Fee-Only Fiduciary Financial Advisor in Ankeny, Iowa

As a Fee-Only financial planning and asset management firm we are employed by you, the client, and not any bank, broker, or insurance company. Our fee structure is transparent and we can never be paid commissions or kickbacks. We are a Fiduciary under oath and law to put your best interest first at all times. This is the highest legal and ethical obligation we can maintain for our clients. 

Fiduciary Duties Owed to Clients:
Duty of Loyalty 
  • Place the interest of the client above mine and the firms
  • Avoided or fully disclosed, obtained the client’s informed consent, and properly managed conflicts of interest
  • Act without regard to the interests of anyone other than the client
Duty of Care
  • Act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence that a prudent professional would exercise in light of a clients, goals, risk tolerance, objectives, financial and personal circumstances. 
Duty to follow client instruction
  • Comply with all objectives, policies, restrictions, and other terms of the engagement and reasonable and lawful directions of the client.
We are held to the highest legal and ethical standards and always act in the best interest of our clients. This means we must always prioritize our client's best interests over our own when providing advice and making recommendations. 
Not all advisors are Fiduciaries.
Unfortunately, only a small number of advisors are fiduciaries at all times. A fiduciary is a professional entrusted to manage wealth while putting the client’s best interest first at all times. Financial advisors who follow a fiduciary standard of care must disclose any conflict, potential conflicts to their clients before the engagement. Fiduciaries also adopt a code of ethics and disclose how they are compensated.